Invoice Processing
All invoices to be sent electronically via e-mail (PDF format) or via EAN following the below requirements:
Falck Danmark
E-mail for all invoices (PDF format)
Electronic invoice: EAN NO: 5790001865719
Falck Digital Technology Denmark
E-mail for all invoices (PDF-format)
Electronic invoice: EAN NO. 5790001865719
Falck Healthcare
E-mail for all invoices (PDF format)
Electronic invoice: EAN NO: 5790001968151
All invoices must contain: |
Falck entities details: |
Bill to address Brendstrupgårdsvej 13, 8200, Aarhus N, Denmark |
Falck Reference employee name or cost center |
Vendor & invoice details: |
Vendor name & address |
Vendor CVR number (tax reg. no.) |
Invoice number |
Invoice Date |
Invoice Due Date |
Falck Reference employee name or cost center |
Payment details: |
Invoice amount |
Invoice currency |
Payment terms |
Bank details / FIK |
IBAN for foreign currency (except DKK and USD) |
Queries to all invoices to be sent to:
(Kindly address your queries in English)
Falck Accounts Payable can decide to return an invoice submitted which does not contain the information listed above.
If a client places an order without specifying the reference name or -initials and station code, it is the supplier's task to ensure that this information is obtained from the client.